Friday, July 31, 2009

Progressives Rail Against Blue Dog Deal, But Is Their Bark Worse Than Their Bite?

We all should be very scared of what we'll have by the time they finish bastardizing this bill. I just don't see the urgency. Why does it seem everything is in crisis mode and needs to be done so quickly? Sets off all my alarms. - MBC

"...The most liberal House members slammed Wednesday's compromise between Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman with moderate Blue Dog Democrats as "fundamentally unacceptable."

"We expect reform will retain a robust public option. If it doesn't, we will vote against it," said Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., CPC co-chairwoman.

But would progressives actually carry out a threat to kill a massive expansion of government health care — or are they just posturing?..."

"...But would progressives really vote with Republicans to stop reform on the House floor?

"There's no easy way to answer that question," said Cannon. "But employer and individual mandates could effectively nationalize health care, which is what the left wants. They'd be smart to roll over on a public plan."

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