Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Too much out with too little in

Personal income has dropped, 3.4% June 2008 to June 2009. Unemployment is at all time highs with nothing projected that will see any significant changes going forward. Any wonder why gov’t. revenues are down and should be projected to continue down? Yet gov’t. spending continues to increase. In April, President Obama promised to cut $100 million from the budget in 90 days. The deadline for that paltry cut has come and gone and there’s no talk of it as Congress heads to recess. I say paltry amount but it’s actually about the amount we pay daily in interest on our national debt.

Yet Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, after taking full advantage of gov’t. bailout money, reported enormous profits. The big banks (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc…) aren’t modifying mortgages as promised so consumers really aren’t benefiting at all from either the bailout money or the huge profits.

We’ve voted in a completely inexperienced Administration and they’re leading us even further down the road to disaster than we were already headed. The bi-partisanship in our Congress is stifling to any chance of innovative and constructive legislation. We need real “CHANGE” and it should start with the next elections and also with broad based movement toward term limits and campaign finance reform. Too many special interest groups are passing around way too much money. Government corruption is seriously out of control. - MBC

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