In simplest terms I cannot believe the ‘experts’ now telling me the recession is over. These are the same guys who missed the looming crisis in the first place and they’re the same ones who admitted they didn’t realize how bad things were just 7 short months ago. Now we are supposed to believe all it took was the $780 billion stimulus package (which they also claim hasn’t had time to really become effective), cash for clunkers, and the keeping of interest rates at or near zero? COME ON!! Unemployment may be improving but it's still at or near 10%, foreclosures remain high, tax revenues are way off, our debt to GDP ratio is at level not seen since WWII, consumer debt is still high, and inflation is looming. We’re in
I think the numbers have been played with so much there is no reality reflected in any of them. This is going to catch up with somebody at some point and the house of cards will come tumbling down, harder and faster than before. - MBC
"...And within the stock market, Cohen said she favors cyclical sectors such as energy, technology and financials..." Well duh, those are the 'propped up' sectors. - MBC
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