Monday, August 24, 2009

Daily Pfenning - 8-24-09

"...It seems the US government is intent on getting consumers to go back to their borrow and spend habits. This is what created the bubbles, and the administration seems intent on creating another bubble economy. US consumers have made some historic cut backs on the amount of debt they are amassing (whether or not these cutbacks are by choice). The US government should not be encouraging these consumers to go back to their previous ways, but should instead be trying to use the funds to educate and train consumers and to encourage new and innovative companies. Use this downturn to correct some of the bad habits which we had gotten into. Yes, it will be painful, but breaking an addiction is always hard and painful. US consumers need to break our addiction to easy credit and massive debt. This recession/depression has given consumers a much needed wake up call, hopefully the administration won't be able to push consumers back into their old habits..."

"...Nouriel Roubini wrote a commentary in today's Financial Times which agrees with my thoughts. Roubini said the chance of a double dip recession is increasing because of risks related to ending global monetary and fiscal stimulus. He believes the global economy still has further to fall, and will bottom out sometime during the second half of 2009. While some economies such as China, Germany, Australia, and France will likely recover; others such as the US and UK will double dip with another leg down. "There are risks associated with exit strategies from the massive monetary and fiscal easing," Roubini wrote. "Policy makers are damned if they do and damned if they don't."

"...dollar's role as the world's reserve currency has been a continued topic among scholars and was undoubtedly discussed out in Jackson hole last week. China and Russia have both been adamant about discussing the possibility of moving toward a new reserve system to replace the greenback. Since no single currency is strong enough to replace the dollar in today's global economy, most discussion has centered around the idea of creating a 'reserve currency' which is comprised of a basket of the world's largest currencies. This idea is supported by Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winning economist and Columbia University economics professor. "The dollar's role as a good store of value is questionable and the currency has a high degree of risk," Stiglitz said at a conference last Friday. "There is a need for a global reserve system. The currency reserve system is in the process of fraying," Stiglitz said. "The dollar is not a good store of value."

"...Frank Trotter was thinking about the same thing...

"Went to the touring musical Mary Poppins Saturday night; it's always great to see a play about a run on a bank. While the books were written in the 1930's and beyond most of you will remember the Disney film set in 1910 - before the Great War when England ruled the waves and empire was returning untold dividends to the mother country. At that time of course there was no questioning the power, status and earning capacity of the British Empire. As George Banks replies to Admiral Boom in the movie, "Credit rates are moving up, up, up. And the British pound is the admiration of the world."

Well that was then and this is now. Soon after, in 1914 England suspended the conversion of Bank of England notes to gold for the period surrounding World War I, and the on again off again slide into today's fiat currency world began. Over the next 100 years England has leaned the lesson of empires that came before. That extending the resources of a country in non-producing capacity leads to the decline of the currency and a fall in the economic power of the country and the economic wellbeing of it's population. In 1910 it took 4.25 pounds to buy an ounce of gold, and 0.2056 pounds to buy a US dollar. Today of course the price of gold has risen 13,447% for British buyers, while the price of a greenback is only up 195%. We are uncomfortably comfortable in feeling that the carabineers have given way for the good old USA in a parallel fashion.

We'll freely admit that there has been a slow motion slide going on in the US dollar since establishment, and especially since the removal from the gold standard and the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971. But we feel even more strongly that the fiscal and monetary policies put in place starting in 2001, accelerating through the 2000's, and now amplified since January 20th have left us with no legs for our stool. Fiscal policy has been and continues to be out of control. The Federal Reserve policy of the 2000's created the credit bubble and now stands to create the largest monetary inflation experienced in a first world nation. Both political parties have determined that no one can be an adult in government by slashing spending or raising taxes to cover our exploding gap (mathematically the only two options), and instead are hiding behind the invisible tax of currency depreciation. For a country we conclude that a strong currency is essential to long term well being, and by extension that our government has given up on the dream in exchange for election and reelection.

So what's to be done? If you are a believer that the political process can sort things out and return our wonderful nation to fiscal prudence and steady governance go ahead and stay the course. For the rest of us who like Margaret Thatcher believe that "the problem with socialism is that eventually you run our of other people's money", we'll be letting our "tuppance safely invested in the bank" seek diversification across the globe in countries and markets with more opportunity and prudence. We couldn't agree more with the Mary Poppins conclusion, re-written for modern times that "Where stands the banks of [the USA], America stand. Oh, oh, oh, oh! When falls the banks of [the USA], America falls!"

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